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Urdu Tokenization using SpaCy

SpaCy is an NLP library which supports many languages. It’s fast and has DNNs build in for performing many NLP tasks such as POS and NER. It has extensive support and good documentation. It is fast and provides GPU support and can be integrated with Tensorflow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, etc.

SpaCy provides the easiest way to add any language support. A new language can be added by simply following Adding Languages article. I’ve added the Urdu language with dictionary-based lemmatization, lexical support and stop words(Urdu). Here is how you can use the tokenizer for the Urdu language.

First, install SpaCy.

$ pip install spacy
Now import spacy and create a blank object with support of Urdu language. I’m using blank because there is no proper model available for Urdu yet, but tokenization support available.

import spacy

nlp = spacy.blank('ur')

doc = nlp("کچھ ممالک ایسے بھی ہیں جہاں اس برس روزے کا دورانیہ 20 گھنٹے تک ہے۔")
print("Urdu Tokenization using SpaCy")

for word in doc:
Here is the output:


Note that Urdu has different punctuation symbols such as ۔ ، etc and it also uses English numbers 12 etc. Accuracy is 100% for Urdu language tokenization.

If you have any question feel free to ask in comments.


  1. can you do a tutorial on doing Urdu lemmatization using Spacy please?

  2. Greetings, I am curious about how to create detection/annotation for numeric and date expression for Urdu? Like ۱۹۹۳, اکتوبر۳ or ۹۹روپے ? because in your blog it is in english-number from[1-9] how about urdu-number[۰-۹]? Please do tell me.Thanks for your blog due that I knew about URDU natural language processing. Keep the good work.

  3. For detection or annotation you need to train NER model.

  4. Thanks for sharing this useful information. I wanted to ask what's the data type of return tokens. Sorry for this question I'm new to NLP .

  5. Hi, can you do a tutorial on doing Urdu text summarization using Spacy please?

  6. Yes, sure. I will do it in future. Currently working on Q&A system.

  7. Hi , how can we handle missing white spaces like روزےکادورانیہ between urdu words ?

  8. Use word segmentation. This is a very difficult problem and can only by done using large corpus for training the model.

  9. can you please help regarding Urdu word segmentation problem

  10. This is a challenging problem. You need to get a clean Urdu dataset, then I can guide you about it.

  11. language model for urdu is currently unavailable on spacy. i was wondering what more can you do then, other than tokenization on urdu text with spacy.

  12. sentiment, NER, lemmatization, pretty much everything spacy provides.


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